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Over 5000 Landmarks

The land that TRULY offers it all → Explore ancient palaces made of gold, diamonds and ivory that are now modern Hotels, India is truly a different world than the West. India has everything from snowy mountains, dry deserts, sunny beaches, sprawling Metropolitans, ancient villages, lush green plantations and peninsulas to everything in between!

Nightlife Night Clubs, Night Scenery, Live Theaters, Movie Cinemas, Bars, Grand Venues, Landmarks, Astronomy, Ritual
Climate Tropical Wet, Highland, Tundra , Humid Subtropical, Desert, Semiarid, Tropical Wet and Dry
Wildlife Urban Myth, Endangered, Birds, Aquatic Wildlife, Amphibians, Reptiles, Large Mammals, Tigers, Lions

Over 500 Landmarks

Just Nature and People → Explore a place where men live self-sustained lives and there is little to no pollution! Very little can compare to the satisfaction one feels when entire foodstores are grown in the soil behind your house!

Nightlife Irish / European Pubs, Landmarks, Astronomy, Ritual, Night Scenery, Live Theaters, Bars
Climate Tropical Wet, Mediterranean, Marine West Coast, Highland
Wildlife Birds, Aquatic Wildlife, Amphibians, Large Mammals, Urban Myth