Over 5000 Landmarks
The land that TRULY offers it all → Explore ancient palaces made of gold, diamonds and ivory that are now modern Hotels, India is truly a different world than the West. →India has everything from snowy mountains, dry deserts, sunny beaches, sprawling Metropolitans, ancient villages, lush green plantations and peninsulas to everything in between!
Nightlife | Landmarks, Astronomy, Ritual, Night Clubs, Night Scenery, Live Theaters, Movie Cinemas, Bars, Grand Venues |
Climate | Semiarid, Tropical Wet and Dry, Tropical Wet, Highland, Tundra , Humid Subtropical, Desert |
Wildlife | Tigers, Lions , Urban Myth, Endangered, Birds, Aquatic Wildlife, Amphibians, Reptiles, Large Mammals |
Climate | Tropical Wet and Dry, Mediterranean |